Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Nothing yet...

I still haven't found a way to make more money other than my freelance job as Content Producer at Associated Content. So far, I got nothing.

Christmas is getting closer than I thought, but this time, i'm just not feeling it. To me, it feels like another ordinary day as I still get stuck at home with no car, and two paychecks that I still have to cash in for bus fare (although I still have to save 10% of my income.)

On MyLot, I found a link to a free offer from an affiliate site called AffiliateJunktion (actualy name, not misspelling) with webhisting that costs about $4.95 a month. I would like to try it, but I don't know how to do an ad campaign, or how to get people there. I'm just not sure.

On the other hand, I recieved almost $0.20 cents more from my Performance Bonus at Associated Content, and I found a link from their forums (and normally, I usually have bad luck when it comes to forums and message boards so I try to stay away from such places, but in this case with MyLot and Associated Content, perhaps they're not all bad, but I still have my reservations. Here's the link to the site:

1 comment: said...

Thanks for sharing your experience.


To earn money.